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Simple coverflow JavaScript component written in CoffeeScript + jQuery wrapper


CoffeeFlow is a simple and powerful coverflow component which is able to easily rotate thousands of images. CoffeeFlow works with CSS3-compatible browsers (including mobile ones), has Opera fallback and a compatibility mode for older browsers. CoffeeFlow supports touch events and gestures (tap, drag, and swipe) automatically as you connect the hammer.js library. CoffeeFlow has a built-in image preloader which also handles image load errors. CoffeeFlow is designed to be used as a class and has jQuery wrapper. JQuery is required.

Install (for node.js users)

bower install coffee-flow


<-- jQuery library required -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Include EightMedia hammer.js if you want touch events support -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/hammerjs/dist/hammer.min.js"></script>

<!-- CoffeeFlow component -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/coffee-flow/js/coffeeflow.min.js"></script>

<!-- HTML -->
<div class="coffeeflow">
  <a href="img/1.jpg"><img src="img/1.jpg" alt=""></a>
  <a href="img/2.jpg"><img src="img/2.jpg" alt=""></a>
  <a href="img/3.jpg"><img src="img/3.jpg" alt=""></a>


// JS
var coffeeflow = new Coffeeflow(target, options);

// jQuery


    borderWidth           : 0                         // item border width
    borderColor           : "rgba(255,255,255, .3)"   // default item border-color
    borderColorHover      : "rgba(0,175,255, .8)"     // item border color on mouse over
    borderColorSelected   : "rgba(250,210,6, .8)"     // selected item border-color
    borderStyle           : "solid"                   // item border srtyle
    crop                  : false                     // if true photos cropped to square
    debug                 : false                     // enables console logging
    defaultItem           : "auto"                    // controls whitch items is opened on startup, by default middle is calculated
    density               : 3.2                       // use this to adjust item spacing
    height                : "auto"                    // item height. Eq container height if not set
    hideOverflow          : true                      // crops everything outside the canvas
    minHeight             : 120                       // minimum CoffeFlow canvas height in pixels
    pull                  : true                      // enables pull images effect on mouseover
    selectOnChange        : false                     // if true select event fires on change
    scrollSensitivity     : 120                       // handles too sensitive scrolling on apple trackpad
    transitionDuration    : 1800                      // transition duration in seconds
    transitionEasing      : "cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.820, 0.165, 1.000)" // css easing for transitions
    transitionPerspective : "600px"                   // css pespective
    transitionScale       : .70                       // scale of inactive item
    transitionRotation    : 45                        // rotation of inactive item
    width                 : "auto"                    // item width in pixels. Eq item height if not set
<-- You can also pass options to Coffeeflow with html5 -data -->
<div class="coffeeflow" data-border-width="2" data-default-item="5">
  <a href="img/1.jpg"><img src="img/1.jpg" alt=""></a>
  <a href="img/2.jpg"><img src="img/2.jpg" alt=""></a>
  <a href="img/3.jpg"><img src="img/3.jpg" alt=""></a>


    blur                 : function (e){ console.log(e) },
    change               : function (e){ console.log(e) },
    error                : function (e){ console.log(e) },
    focus                : function (e){ console.log(e) },
    ready                : function (e){ console.log(e) },
    select               : function (e){ console.log(e) }

CoffeeFlow public methods

append(array)            // appends elements
insert(array, position)  // inserts elements
getCanvas()              // returns canvas element, used internally
getHeight()              // returns canvas height
getIndex()               // returns current CoffeeFlow index
getItem(index=current)   // returns CoffeeFlowItem instance. If index argument is not provided, currentIndex is used
getWidth()               // returns canvas width
hasFocus()               // returns boolean CoffeeFlow focus state
pop()                    // Deletes current item
pop(position, length)    // Deletes fragment
prepend(array)           // prepends elements 
resize()                 // tells CoffeeFlow to resize the canvas
slideTo(index)           // slides to a given item

// example
    ready : function(e) {
            data: {},
            link: "",
            source: "img/1.jpg"
            data: {},
            link: "",
            source: "img/2.jpg"

CoffeeFlowItem public methods

arrange(currentItem, totalItems, canvasWidth, canwasHeight) // returns canvas element, used internally
getData()               // returns item html5 data
getLink()               // returns item anchor href
getSource()             // returns item image source
getHeight()             // returns item height
getWidth()              // returns item width
select()                // sets item select state
setContent(content)     // sets item content, used internally

// example
    change                : function(e) { console.log( e.getItem().getData() ) }

Legal information

The component is designed and written in coffeescript by Serge Droganov. CoffeeFlow is distributed under MIT X11 license.